16 10月 2015

《白日夢冒險王》{The Wolves And The Ravens} 中文歌詞

{The Wolves And The Ravens} by Of Monsters and Men

In the morning by the sea 清晨的海邊
As the fog clears from the sand 當沙灘的晨霧淡去
I have no money in my hand 我孑然一身
I have no home, I have no land 沒有家,亦無歸處

But it doesn't trouble me 但我不擔心
As I lay beside the fire 當我躺在火堆旁
I am easy to inspire 充滿了靈感
There is little I require 一生所需不過爾爾

I wasn't yours and you weren't mine 我不屬於你,你也不屬於我
Though I've wished from time to time 雖然我不時希望
We had found a common ground 我們能夠心意相連
Your voice was such a welcome sound 而你的聲音萬般美悅

How the emptiness would fill 如何填補空虛
With the waves and with your song 以浪潮和著你的歌
People find where they belong 人們不是找到歸宿
Or keep on 就是繼續前行

Through the never-ending maze 穿越無盡的迷宮
Where the way is seldom clear 路途總是隱晦
There is no map or compass near 沒有地圖或羅盤
I drive a ship I cannot steer 我駕著失舵的船

Through the bleak and early morn 走過蒼冷的拂曉
Where a stronger will is sworn 唯有誓願更堅定
Where the moments move so slow 儘管難關漫長
And seem to never let you go 考驗持續不懈

When my hands are old and ache 當我的雙手衰老疼痛
And my memory flickers dim 回憶變得閃爍朦朧
And my bones don't hold my skin 儘管無法自由來去
There's no place I haven't been 我已行遍萬里

I recall the days were few 我記得人生苦短
That is all that I can do 能做的不過如此
Feel the carvings in the tree 感受樹身的刻紋
That gives shade for you and me 與你我共享的蔽蔭


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